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Eat, love, live with ... Poppy King

Posted By Michaela Skilney  

Direct from New York City with her two delightful kitties beside her, Nova and Tiggy, we’re thrilled to chat with lipstick legend Poppy King about what it means to eat, love and live.

CEO and Founder of Poppy King Lipstick, a 90s staple in every beauty buff’s makeup bag, Eat Love Live chat to Poppy as she prepares to reign over cosmetic counters again with the upcoming re-release of her luscious lippy formulation. 

Let's dive right in - what's your favourite meal?!

Lately I’ve been loving steamed broccoli rabe with lots of olive oil, salt, pepper, humus and turmeric sprinkle. When you mix it all up, it’s like eating pasta with a sauce. It’s comforting and so nutritious - the flavours are wonderful.

What is your favourite cuisine?


What's your favourite memory involving food?

Yum Cha every weekend in the 80s with my mum and brother.

If you could share a meal with three guests, dead or alive, who would they be?

Willy Wonka, Prince and Joan of Arc.

How do you quieten or remove the sting of toxic diet culture messages? 

I had an eating disorder in my twenties and worked very hard to unravel the idea that my body was something to control. I learnt how to eat intuitively, meaning eating what I felt like with confidence in small but tasty portions, rather than restricting.

What's something in your life you're loving at the moment?

Recreating my original lipsticks from the 90s! All Australian made.

What is something you're passionate about?

That beauty is not found in how you look, but how you see. It’s an inside job.

What part of your body do you love the most, and why?

My shoulders. I have very strong shoulders.

When do you feel the most positive or in love with your body?

When I eat something healthy, yummy and slowly, it feels like feeding myself with self-care.

How do you practice self-care or self-love?

Meditation. I don’t do it formally, but every time I feel my mind racing I stop and find a comforting thought to repeat and meditate on.

What role does movement play in your life?

Living in New York, it’s a walking city, so I walk everywhere. Walking is my favourite movement, second is dancing.

What song can you rely on to instantly lift your mood?

I'll Take You There by The Staple Singers.

What values do you find important to live by?

Integrity is key for me. I can accept any results, even so called failure, as long as I have integrity in my decision making.

What do you do in life that makes you feel the most alive?

Being around animals. The love between humans and animals makes me feel good to be alive. I can actually feel it releasing endorphins when I interact with animals.

If you could offer any advice to your ten year old self, what would it be

There are no short cuts to any place worth going.

Like to learn more from Poppy King? Follow her on Instagram, @poppykinglipstick, and be the first to know about the pop-ups and activations taking place to support the launch of her new lipsticks.