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 Organisation Group supervision Facilitation 


Looking for an external clinical supervisor to support your team ?


ELL Education can provide bespoke group supervision services for your team members.


Christie or Jo are just the person you are after!  

Dr Christie Bennett and Josephine Money are skilled and experienced at facilitating group supervision for teams. 

We can create a space tailored space for your Multidisciplinary teams supporting professional development and team members well being. 


What is Supervision: 

Supervision is a joint endeavour in which the practitioner with the help of a supervisor, attends to their clients, themselves as part of their client practitioner relationships, and the wider systemic context, and by doing so improves the quality of their work, transforms their client relationships, continuously develops themselves, their practice and the wider profession. Hawkins and Shohet Supervision in the Helping Professional (2012)

Supervision is a structured formal process with clear purpose and goals. We can work with you to ensure that we plan sessions to meet the needs of your team; Setting a clear number of sessions with in a set period of time. With participants we can respond to their needs, setting clear group guidelines of confidentiality and support to encourage open dialogue.


Meeting your teams needs: 
  • Relational skill development 
  • Clinical skill development 
  • Clinician confidence 
  • Multidisciplinary Team communication skills 
  • Development reflective practice skills 
  • Clinical regulation and co regulation skills 
  • Formulation of complex case presentation 
  • Treatment planning skills
  • Creative problem solving


Potential clinical topics to explore:

 Individualised, client centered health care 

  • Considering clients needs based on identities and experiences including but not limited to neurotype, body type, race, gender, culture, socio economics, faith, past trauma experiences. 


Relationship with food and body

  • Disordered eating, eating disorders, co morbidities, complex presentations 

  • Clinician's relationship to diet culture food and body and the intersection of working in health care settings 


Inclusive clinical care 

  • Adapting traditional evidence based interventions to ensure they meet the clients needs with out causing harm.


Facilitating discourse and alternative value perspectives in health care 

  • Respectfully exploring alternative view points. 


Integration of research in clinical spaces (Christie) 


Contact us to discuss your needs:

jo@eatlovelive.com.au  christie@eatlovelive.com.au 

  • 90 min sessions Via Zoom (Or Face to face where possible if prefered) 
  • Planned in business hours at a time to meet your teams needs 
  • Minimum of 3 participant per group 
  • $100 + GST  per participant 
  • Organisation can be invoice as a package in advance or pay per session 
Contact us to discuss your needs:

jo@eatlovelive.com.au  christie@eatlovelive.com.au 

Understanding supervision - the key to improving your practice


What exactly is supervision? Who is it suitable for? And what can you expect from group supervision at Eat Love Live? Suitable for experienced as well as new and emerging practitioners, Eat Love Live group supervisors Jo Money (APD. CEDC)Kate Gough (APD, CEDC) & Louise Grech (APD, CEDC) explore how supervision is the key to improving your practice as a dietitian, mental health worker or health practitioner in the pre-recorded webinar below featuring both content and question time.




supervision FAQs

Not sure what supervision is? Or if group supervision is right for you? We've done our best to answer all your questions in our Supervision FAQs!