Eat Love Live is committed to providing compassionate, individual, evidence informed and effective support for all our clients. All Eat Love Live clinicians have additional training in supporting people with eating disorders and are Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinicians (CEDC).
The Eat Love Live team are supported by clinical leaders with over 20 years’ experience in the provision of eating disorder support and are committed to ongoing training and regular supervision to ensure they are providing safe and effective support for all clients.
The initial assessment is an important part of engagement in the healing process. You can read more about what to expect here.
After an initial assessment with a clinician, they will then spend considerable further time formulating a support plan, connecting with treatment teams and completing the relevant documents and communication. This is reflected in the higher cost of initial assessments.
Fees for sessions are to be settled on the day of consultation.
Payment is to be made in full before a claim is made to Medicare for clients who have an Eating Disorder care plan (EDP) or Enhanced Primary Care plan (EPC) in place.
Please note, that we do not bulk bill for services and there is a gap payment.
More information regarding Medicare care plans.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that Eat Love Live has a copy of up to date Medicare and NDIS plans. If you would like to confirm how many session you have used under a plan please contact Reception.
Telehealth sessions
For clients attending sessions via telehealth, we request that the appointment be paid for when booking the session, prior to the session, or that permission is provided for Eat Love Live to save payment details to our secure payment system, Medipass, and the payment will be applied at the completion of the session.
If a client fails to attend the appointment or cancels within 48 business hours the full cost of the appointment will be charged to the credit card on file.
Face to Face sessions
For clients attending Face to Face appointments, sessions can be paid for at the time of booking, credit card can be saved on file or payment can be made at reception before leaving the office.
For clients attending face to face on a Saturday, when reception is not present, credit cards need to be saved to file.
Adolescent clients
For clients whose carers, parents or a third party are paying the invoice it is the client's responsibility to ensure that the correct details are provided to reception for communication regarding payment. Our booking system allows multiple phone numbers to be saved for reminder texts.
Not attending an appointment, or cancellation within 48 business hours of the appointment will result in the full fee for the booked appointment being charged to the client.
Clients are not able to claim Medicare rebates for the payment of canceled or appointments they did not attend.
An appointment reminder text will be automatically sent 3 business days prior to an appointment and an automatic reminder email will be sent 5 business days prior to the appointment.
If you cancel an appointment within the 48 hour period you will be contacted to remind you of the fee and offered to change to telehealth, phone or keep the appointment.
We will wait for a period of 1 hour for a response before the appointment slot will be offered to another client on the waiting list.
We aim to be a values driven and inclusive practice and we need to maintain business based boundaries for business sustainability and to ensure safe and fair working environments for our consulting clinicians and administration employees.
A cancellation fee allows us to stay in business, assisting in covering all overhead costs and prevents our clinicians overbooking to compensate for canceled appointments; which is a risk for clinician burn out. It enables our consultants to be remunerated for the time and labor they have put into preparing for sessions.
Our consultants' only source of income comes from the fees they earn for their time and services during appointments, which necessarily includes cancellation fees. While it might seem like waiving a single cancellation fee isn’t significant, if every client felt they could cancel without penalty, it would jeopardize our ability to remain in business. We are committed to staying in operation and continuing to serve the community, but to do so, we need reliable appointment and cancellation fees to sustain our work and keep providing support.
Enforcing our cancellation policy helps ensure that clients are more likely to keep their appointments, reducing the chances of wasted time. A late cancellation impacts three parties: your clinician, who has invested time preparing for your session; other clients on the waitlist who could have used the appointment; and you, who miss the opportunity to meet with your clinician for support. A notice of 48 business hours gives us sufficient time to find another client to fill the slot.
A no-exceptions cancellation fee policy ensures fairness for all our clients. By applying cancellation fees to all late cancellations or no-shows, our administrative team avoids the difficult task of deciding who has a more valid reason for missing an appointment.
Charging the fee consistently, regardless of the reason, helps maintain fairness for everyone. We believe this approach is more fair for those clients who don’t try to avoid paying the fee, as they understand we don’t have unlimited resources to absorb losses. We also believe it’s especially fair for clients who may find it harder to argue their case, due to factors like disability, literacy, education, or anxiety.
We waive the late-cancellation fee only in cases of major incidents (e.g., a serious car accident) or when physical illness is so severe that telehealth is not an option. (Of course for hands-on treatments with our physio we appreciate that telehealth may not be an option and we can assess these cases as they arise; please call or email reception and it will be discussed with the physio and management.). These are the only circumstances under which the fee will be waived. We do not waive the fee for cancellations due to mental health issues or hospitalization related to mental health, as this is a common situation among our clients and would be unsustainable for us to accommodate without significantly raising our fees. Our policy is consistent for all clients, and we do not make exceptions beyond the listed reasons.
Cancellation fees are applied automatically and if there is a need to refund due to a major incident or illness this will be discussed and decided in consultation with management and the clinician involved.
The cancellation policy is clear on our website and on all communication with clients including new client forms, appointment confirmation, appointment reminder SMS and emails. Attending appointments that these communications are related to implies agreement with this policy.
We intentionally communicate this policy in multiple ways so that people are fully aware and are not surprised when it is enforced; we do not wish it to be a hidden cost. You can cancel your appointment by phone during business hours, or using the 'cancel appointment' link in the confirmation email; this instantly cancels the appointment from the diary. If your communication style suits email or SMS this is also an option but note email and SMS will only be checked in business hours. We remind all clients of our cancellation policy when booking or rescheduling appointments and send further reminders via email and SMS prior to the appointment.
By you engaging in our service you are agreeing to our cancellation policy, which is clearly communicated on the website and in all communications during the booking process.
Our services are voluntary, and you choose to attend only if you accept our business terms and conditions. However, if you do not agree with our terms, you are free to choose another business whose policies better align with your values.
We aim to support all neuro- types and practice in a neuro affirming way by having firm cancellation fees that can support structure, predictability, and accountability. We appreciate that there is no one way to affirm and support all the neurotypes and individuals we support we intend to be neuro affirming by having:
Clear Boundaries and Expectations for reassurance and with the intention to reduce uncertainty; ensuring that everyone knows what to expect and what the consequences are.
Reduced Cognitive Load: When the cancellation policy is applied consistently, it reduces the mental load of having to negotiate or justify decisions about missed appointments.
Respect for Time and Resources: We aim to have a reliable, predictable system that can make appointments more manageable. There are a range of ways for people to connect with us and arrange and change appointments. We intend to show respect for consumers and clinicians time by having a structured system in place that can provide reassurance and decrease stress around the logistics of appointments.
Equity for All Clients: A non-negotiable cancellation fee policy applies the same rules to everyone
In essence, firm cancellation fees can help create a predictable, respectful environment that acknowledges the diverse needs of clients, including those with neurodivergent traits, while maintaining professional integrity and operational sustainability.
A 48-business-hour cancellation fee means that the cancellation needs to be made within 48 business hours of the appointment time, excluding weekends and holidays. This policy takes into account that weekends (Saturday and Sunday) don’t count as business hours, so it ensures clients have enough time to make changes to their appointment during the business week.
Appointment Date: Tuesday, 3:00 PM
Cancellation Deadline: To avoid the cancellation fee, the cancellation must be made by 2:59 PM on the previous Friday.
Here's how it works:
If you want to cancel the appointment and avoid the fee, you must cancel by Friday at 2:59 PM.
If you cancel after Friday at 2:59 PM—even if it's over the weekend—there is less than 48 business hours notice, and the cancellation fee applies.
For instance, if you cancel on Monday morning (even though it’s 24 hours before your appointment), the cancellation is still too late, as it’s less than 48 business hours from Tuesday afternoon. In this case, the cancellation fee would apply.
Full credit to and Exhale Psychology for their valuable information around being neuroaffirming and having firm cancellation policies
For payments that have not been made on the day of session outlined below is the outstanding account procedure.
We appreciate that finances are individual, sensitive and access can change. If there are any concerns regarding ability to pay the fees please contact your practitioner or reception asap so we are aware and a plan to support you can be put in place. We are open to a payment plan as needed and understand that clients may be waiting for incoming funds to make payment. With this information we are able to support you.
NDIS participant must be involved in Eat Love Live's pre-assessment and onboarding process. This not only demonstrates the client's high level of motivation and investment in their treatment, it also avoids any miscommunication of Eat Love Live's unique values and approach.
Please note, some practitioners have boundaries on the age of clients they will accept as new referrals. Each clinician's age requirements can be found on their profile page or our appointment booking page.
We request that for all new clients aged 15 years and younger that a Pre-assessment Questionnaire be completed to assist us in triaging the young person and family.
For all clients aged 15 or younger, we request that the initial assessment be with the parents/ carer only. Eating disorders do not just affect the person but families as a whole. This is an important part of the assessment process and will help us to get a clear history of the development of the eating disorder and aid in setting up a treatment team and clear treatment goals moving forward.
We recommend that all clients aged 16-18 years old attend the initial assessment with a parent, carer or support person.
Family based treatment is the gold standard for supporting children and adolescents with eating disorders. The Eat Love Live team are not trained in family based treatment or family therapy.
As dietitians we can be an adjunct to this important treatment process, provide a safe space for discussion around meal planning, information about eating disorders, physical and psychological risks associated with the eating disorder, normal puberty changes to the body, guidelines to adequate amounts of nutrition and help clear many of the myths about food and bodies in our community.
We appreciate that accessing paediatric and adolescent services at this time is difficult and there are long wait lists. As with all clients, we insist that all adolescents are linked in with a multidisciplinary team including a GP and a mental health clinician - be it a psychologist or psychiatrist. And we suggest that clients make the referral to CHAMS/ CHYMS and / or private family therapy and be on the waiting list for this support.
Along with the GP or paediatrician we can provide information and support while families are waiting for this important more intensive support.
There are a number of factors that contribute to our financial access and value, determined largely by the power systems that discriminate against race, perceived gender identity, sexuality, disability, immigration status and socioeconomic status, among many other overlapping sociocultural factors and identities. This is evident within our health systems, which consistently fail to support marginalised communities and people of diverse backgrounds. While we cannot prop up these health systems, we can hope to provide support to the people falling through the cracks. We strive to create opportunities for individuals to access inclusive healthcare and support from otherwise inaccessible services.
Eat Love Live uses a Sliding Scale as a payment model our practitioners can elect to support clients who cannot afford care otherwise. This is best suited for clients with low income, financial instability or security, extensive medical (or other service) costs and for those facing systemic barriers in accessing care or employment. By providing a lower cost service, it allows clients to be able to afford our services through achievable payments. We acknowledge that our standard fees are not accessible to a large demographic of vulnerable populations and we hope to address that by using a sliding scale approach.
Our sliding scale is intended to encourage people who would otherwise not be able to access our services, to pay according to their available resources. In doing so, we are able to sustain our business while creating opportunities for broader financial accessibility to our services.
Best practice [2]
Dietitians Australia professional standards, through the Code of Conduct, outline that all Accredited Practicing Dietitians should:
We acknowledge the influence and impact of social inequality and how it is embedded within our society, and how power influences people's access and ability to use services. We aim to recognise and identify the barriers to safety and access to services, and work towards providing a service that is safe, responsive, respectful, inclusive and accessible to all. By providing a Sliding Scale Policy, we hope to address some of the barriers that prevent access to services for those who need it most.
In providing inclusive services, we practice cultural safety and respect by:
Precarious employment, low and erratic wages, inadequate and increasingly conditional welfare payments, and escalating living costs are contributing to financial hardship for many people. Further exacerbated by the ongoing impacts of Covid-19. Individuals from diverse backgrounds may face further challenges due to stigma and discrimination impacting their employment opportunities and stability.
We acknowledge that while you may be able to cope, at times there is little financial buffer and capacity to cope with extra expenses. We also understand that circumstances change and you may need support where you hadn’t previously, or vice versa. We encourage you to put your health first where possible and we hope to support you to do this through our sliding scale policy.
For a copy of our full sliding scale policy, click here or contact reception via email:
We have a limited for clients using the sliding scale.
The application process begins in the initial consultation and is driven by the client and/or the practitioner.
Applications are considered after initial consultation to provide informed understanding by practitioners from which action can be taken.
Please also review our Low Cost Eating disorder Resource which may have some other alternatives for finding support at this time.