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Eat, love, live with ... Dr Jessica Green!

Posted By Michaela Skilney  

Clinical Psychologist Dr Jessica Green loves supporting people with eating and body image concerns to improve their relationships with food and their bodies. Practicing alongside us at Exhale Consulting Suites from August 2024, she particularly enjoys working with people in larger bodies and is passionate about providing a safe space that is free from weight stigma and bias.

If Jessica's face or name look familiar, you may recognise her as one half of the Dance Therapy duo who offer a combination of dance therapy and talk therapy on Monday nights to new and existing clients at Eat Love Live. Designed for those who self-identify as fat or live in a larger body, dance therapy allows for social connection and a space to fight anti-fat bias with like-minded peers ... not to mention helping each other out with clothing recommendations!

Sharing an apartment in Surrey Hills, Victoria, with her 3 year old kitty Nala, let's get to know all the ways in which Dr Jessica Green chooses to eat, love and live below!

Let's dive right in - what's your favourite meal?!


What is your favourite cuisine?


What's your favourite memory involving food?

My cousin's wedding in Italy - delicious food and plenty of Aperol Spritzes! 

If you could share a meal with three guests, dead or alive, who would they be? 

My late Grandmother Joy, Corrie Ten Boom and Jesus.

How do you quieten or remove the sting of toxic diet culture messages? 

I gave up dieting for good many years ago so now I try to listen to what my body wants and provide it with consistent nurture, delicious food and gentle movement.

What's something in your life you're loving at the moment?

My work.

What is something you're passionate about?

People getting quality mental health support and feeling more connected with their life and their bodies.

What part of your body do you love the most, and why?

I love my curly hair! It's taken some time as a perfectionist - I always struggled with feeling like it was "messy" - but I've learnt to embrace the curls as I've gotten older.

When do you feel the most positive or in love with your body?

When I'm dancing or wearing a dress that I love.

How do you practice self-care or self-love?

Taking myself out for dinner, baths, a remedial massage on a Friday night and seeing size inclusive HAES health professionals.

What role does movement play in your life?

I try to do movement that brings me joy now - I particularly love my tap dancing class and the Dance Therapy group that I help to run on Monday nights.

What song can you rely on to instantly lift your mood?

Anything Taylor Swift related!

What values do you find important to live by?

I'm a Christian so I try to model my life off the example of Jesus.

What do you do in life that makes you feel the most alive?

Helping people find hope and meaning in their life when they feel hopeless.

If you could offer any advice to your ten year old self, what would it be

Fat is not bad!

Interested in working with Jessica? To learn more about 1:1 psychology with Dr Jessica Green at Exhale Consulting Suites, head to Grace Clinical Psychology, or to learn more about Dance Therapy classes at Eat Love Live (including how to secure your spot!), complete the Contact Form on Dr Jessica Green's website.