Working towards recovery from disordered eating or an eating disorder can be hard enough without being faced with holidays based around food! Christmas is a time of celebration, family and...
Medicare Eating Disorder Plan (EDP)
Posted By Josephine,
People meeting the patient criteria will be eligible for Medicare subsidised eating disorder treatment with specialised clinical providers as determined by their GP. It is the clients responsibility...
Subtracting weight from diabetes care
Posted By Marina Payne ,
Marina Payne Weight-neutral care focuses on establishing self-care behaviours. It does not promote restriction, endorse unsustainable exercise, or encourage disordered eating as a way to “get...
Clean up your social media
Posted By Josephine,
Social media has a much bigger impact on us then we realise. Scrolling through Facebook and Instagram being bombarded with images of bikini bodies, green smoothies and dietary commentary can trigger...
Posted By Josephine,
When working with clients and explaining what I feel is happening for them in their relationship with food at that time or what I think we may need to work on I keep coming back to the same analogy;...
Do Eat Love Live do weight management?
Posted By Josephine ,
This is such a valid question and deserves time to explore it. You may be wondering if it is appropriate to work with an Eat Love Live (ELL) dietitian if you are unhappy with your body...
Eating, exercise and looking after yourself
Posted By Josephine ,
Love and Business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving. O.Henry, 'Cupid a la carte', Heart of the West (1907) Why is our...
Self care
Posted By Josephine ,
Looking after yourself So often our relationship with food becomes distorted due to our propensity to use food as a coping strategy. As food is traditionally an important part of celebrations (i.e....
Are you eating enough?
Posted By Josephine ,
A common theme I see with clients is struggling with feeling out of control with foods in the evenings. Often feeling unable to make clear decisions about what to eat, eating quickly or feeling...