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Weight Stigma Awareness Week 2024

Posted By Eat Love Live Education  

"So what if you're fat? You still deserve good healthcare!" Strap yourself in for an honest, affirming and educational panel discussion during Weight Stigma Awareness Week (September 23-26, 2024). Empowering you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate healthcare settings effectively, the discussion will unpack weight stigma in an effort to help you advocate for yourself in the face of anti-fat bias.

Eat Love Live Education has enlisted a panel of weight-neutral, trauma informed, fat liberation experts that understand the multiple harms many of you have experienced at the hands of health professionals. Together, Dr Leila Byrne, Sam van Zweden, Dr Stefania Franja, Dr Christie Bennett and Josephine Money (APD) will help you:
  • Understand what anti-fat bias is and how it can manifest in healthcare settings, including examples of discriminatory behaviour and attitudes.
  • Learn about the negative mental and physical effects of anti-fat bias in healthcare experiences on an individual's access to care, quality care and overall health outcomes.
  • Get acquainted with evidence-based practices that support weight-inclusive healthcare, and understand how these practices can benefit you.
  • Identify strategies for finding and choosing healthcare providers who are committed to providing weight-inclusive and respectful care.
  • Explore techniques for self-advocacy and assertiveness in healthcare settings to ensure your needs and concerns are addressed without bias.
  • Discover resources, support groups and organisations that can offer assistance, support and information related to weight and health care.
Click below to receive a free recording direct to your inbox on Thursday 26th September, 2024:






Dr Leila Byrne (B.Med FRACGP) is a GP practising at Turn the Corner Clinic, Brunswick (Naarm/Melbourne) as well as multiple Headspace centres.

She has 20 years-experience in providing health care and has expertise in mental health, youth health, gender medicine and the
Health At Every Size (HAES) approach.

As someone living in a larger body, she is attuned to weight
stigma within medical settings and the harm it can cause. She is passionate about providing weight neutral, trauma informed and judgement free primary care to her patients.


Turn the Corner Clinic (Brunswick) / 1300 557 502



Sam van Zweden is a Melbourne-based writer and fat liberation activist. She runs A Plus Market, which is a safe space for plus size people to shop, find community, and take steps to recognise and squash the systems that ignore and harm fat folks.

Sam's book, Eating with my Mouth Open, is a lived-experience memoir about food, family, mental health and difficult embodiment. 

Sam believes in a weight-neutral and inclusive future where fashion and all forms of healthcare are made for all bodies. 


A Plus Market - @APlusMarket / contactaplusmarket@gmail.com

Sam van Zweden - @SamvanZweden / samantha.vanzweden@gmail.com



Dr Stefania Franja is a Registered Psychologist with a PhD in eating behaviour and is the director of Satiate Psychology.

She provides evidence-based psychological assessment, treatment and support to individuals struggling with disordered eating, body image, and eating disorders and provides non-judgemental support for those considering bariatric (weight-loss) surgery or adjusting to post-surgery life. Her current research interests include the crossover between bariatric surgery and eating disorder presentations, as she is hoping to bring attention to this space so that we can protect this incredibly vulnerable population from harm.

Stefania works within a weight inclusive, non-dieting framework. 




Dr Christie Bennett is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian, educator and researcher. 
While Christie has experience with a wide variety of nutrition concerns, she has particular expertise in eating disorders, disordered eating and the intersection with women’s health.
Christie utilises multiple approaches in her practice including elements of cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, feminist and social oppression theories through a trauma-informed and size-inclusive (HAES) lens. In her clinical and research work she works to privilege lived experience, appreciating that you are the expert of your body and mind. 


Eat Love Live / Eat Love Live Education / reception@eatlovelive.com.au / (03) 9087 8379


Jo has over 20 years experience in the eating disorders field, providing client-centred, weight inclusive, social justice informed nutrition counselling. Jo has experience across a diverse range of settings including private, community and public health and in a variety of models including working with individuals, groups and program development.

Jo appreciates the courage and generosity of her many clients who have shared their lived experience with her that have contributed to her own learning and skills in supporting others. Jo has lived experience of living in a small fat body and the challenges that come with this and is passionate to support others where she can. 


Eat Love Live / Eat Love Live Education / reception@eatlovelive.com.au / (03) 9087 8379

Click below to receive a free recording direct to your inbox on Thursday 26th September, 2024: